Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1647-1648. 195
be further know therein : Vppon paine of such seuere punish-
ment as shalbe thougt fitt by the prouinciall Court to be inflicted
vppon all such persons, as shall doe or attempt to doe to the
Contrary hereof; Assuring all such persons that I intend to
take a strickt accomt of all attempts don to the Contrary of
either of these two branches, And shall looke vppon all such
offenders, as vppon people ill affected to the welfare and happy
subsistance of this Prouince; Giuen at St Inegos ffortt the 10th
day of No: 1647
Tho: Greene:
[Pardon to Rebels.]
Liber A.
Loco + Sigilli Whereas sundry the Inhabts of this pro: by
Instigaon of one Rich: Ingle, haue unfortunately runne them-
selues into a Rebellion agnt the Ld Propr of this pro: & therein
haue committed diuers insolencies & robberies agst the Lawes
of the pro: But are now returned into Obedience againe & sub-
mitted themselues to his Lps gouermt I doe hereby in his Lps
name by uertue of his Commis" in thl behalfe publish & graunt
a grall, absolute, & ffree Pardon unto euery & singular the
Inhabts residing wthin this pro: of all crimes of Rebellion, Sedi-
tion & Plunder & of all other offences wtsoeur of what nature
soeur committed wthin this pro: agst the Lawes of the pro:
from the 14th ffeb: 1644, unto the sixteenth day of Aprill last
past. And of all Losses of life, lands, or goods & of all other
penalties incurred by the sd Offences, or any of them. And I
doe further declare in his Lps name, that Euery other person
out of the pro: acknowledging Sorrow for his fact, & requyring
Pardon, before the ffeast of St Michael thee Archangell next,
shall haue such Pardon graunted unto him, under my hand, &
the seale of the pro: Excepting Rich: Ingle Mariner Gyu. att
St Maries 4o Mart: 1647
Tho: Greene.
p. 147
By the Gouernr & Grall of Mary-Land.
Whereas I am gyuen to understand of the enimies being
actually on foote, intending (if possibly they may) to inuade
us: And considering the daunger of the pnt times, & how trou-
blesome & inconuenient it may proue, to diuers Inhabts of this
pro: & preiudiciall to the whole, to hold a Court in the begin-
ning of June next; (especially all Causes being to be tryed by
a Jury: wch will much weaken those parts from whence they
come) there being noe busines of tht consequence, or soe
urgent, att this time, in the pro: to be heard & determined but
p. 157