Liber A.
untill hee shall arryue att St Inegos ffort, & there gyuen a uist
acct of all such plunder, or pillage aforesd to mee, or some other
whom I shall appoint. And I doe further declare the sd Capt
Jno Price to be cheife Capt or Comder of all such forces, as hee
shall take wth him, during the sd seruice. Gyuing him the sd
Capt Jno Price full power & authority hereby, to appoint such
Officer or Officers, for the good ordering & managing the sd
seruice intended, as hee (in his best discretion) shall iudge
needfull & conuenient. Requyring all & euery one (who shall
goe along wth him) to be ayding & assisting unto him the sd
Capt Jno Price uppon all occasions wtsoeur in the qualty of cheife
Capt or Commander uppon payne of such punishmt & censures
to be inflicted uppon them & euery of them, as such contempt
& disobedience in the iudgmt of a Martiall Court shall deserue.
Gyuen att St Inegos ffort under my hand & the scale of the
Prouince this 4th July Ano. 1647.
Signed. Tho: Greene.
To Capt Jno Price.
p. 93
The deposition of Mr Thomas Bradnox aged fowerty yeares or
there abouts; taken this nth of Septembr 1647:
This deponent affirmeth vppon oath : That Mr Nathaniell
Pope, when he was sent as Agent from the Gouernor of Mary-
Land, did as much as he could to animate the people to
auoyde the Iland, and that if they would come and Hue at
Apomatocks, he made noe question but in shortt tyme to get
strength enough to get the Country againe, and that they
might insure them selues, that the tobbacco wch he demanded of
them at that tyme, he would assuredly haue: for he was a
comeing vpp as soone as they returnd wth a great Company
of Souldiers: And ffurther this deponent knoweth not.
Thomas T Bradnox
Jurat coram me Robertus uaughan
Concordat cum
originale: Teste me
Robt Clarke Clk
The deposition of Mr Edward Comins aged about fowrty yeares
or there about, taken this 11th of, Septemb: 1647:
This deponent affirmeth vppon oath: That Mr Nathaniell
Pope when he came vppon the Iland, as Agent for the Gouer-
nor of Maryland, sayd that though the Gouernr made lardge
promises, vnto vs, yet they should find, that there would