right & tytle here, soe clearely due to him, to the will & malice
of such rebellious spiritts: & shall not doubt but the aduisors
abettors & euen the most priuate suggestors as well as the open
actors of such outrages, will in their due time bee brought to
light shame & confusion. Thus in a confident exspectaon of
some speedy stay by yor Authority to these intended mischeifes
of Capt Hills, uppon this Colony so much recommended to yor
protection & assistance by his Matyes Ires. I rest,
Yor humble serut
Tho: Greene.
Edors. To the Rt Honble Sr Willm
Berkeley Knt Gouernor
of Virginia these prnt.
[Commission to John Price.]
Liber A.
Locus + Sigilli Whereas sundry the Inhabts of this Prouince
haue susteyned diuers great losses in their estates by the
Indians of Nantacoke & Wicomick (enimies of this Prouince)
who making incursions here, haue assayled & sett uppon diuers
the Inhabts of this Prouince aforesd exequuting (as far as in
them lay) their barbarous intentions & mischeifs. And whereas
diuers insolencies, rapines, murthers, & other barbarous cruelties
haue bene committed committed by the foresd Indians, uppon
diuers the Inhabts of this Prouince by the way of trade. And
whereas likewise uppon satisfaction to be gyuen by the Indians
aforesd the sd Indians haue had diuers ouertures of Peace made
unto them, by the late Gouernor who not wthstanding still
persist in their wicked, & barbarous intentions towards us. By
uertue of his Lps Commisn in tht behalfe granted to his Gouernor
for the time being bearing date att St Maries ffort Ano 1647.
18th Septembr I doe hereby authorize Capt Jno Price to take 30
or 40 such able men, as he shall thinke fitt, & make choyce of,
for tht purpose, wth sufficient Armes, prouision, & Ammunition
& them to imbarke in such Vessell or Vessells, as he the sd
Capt Jno Price shall thinke fitt & conuenient: And wth the sd
men to goe our unto the Townes & Plantaons of the Indians of
Nantacoke & Wicomick aforesd lying to the Eastward of this
Prouince, & then & there to imploy his uttmost endeauor, skill
& force, by what meanes hee may, in destroying the sd Nations,
as well by Land as by water; eyther by killing them, taking
them prisoners burning their howses, destroying their Corne,
or by any other meanes, as (in his best discretion) he shall iudge
conuenient. And I doe hereby requyre him the sd Capt Jno
Price, tht hee make noe destribution, or diuision of any plunder,
or pillage wtsoeuer wch shall be gayned, or taken by any soldier
or soldiers, during the sd uoyage, from any the foresd Indians,
p. 76