Liber A.
one of his Lps Counsell, whose right & title I am resolued (god
willing) to defend & mainteine wth all tht is deare unto me, my
life. The rest of yor kind threatning Ire, I passe it ouer as not
regarding it. Only this I say tht if his Lp shall appoint yow to
be his Gouernor here (to whom I heare yow haue written to tht
purpose) after his Lps significaon therein I shall readily resigne
unto yow But your boasting threats, & other uaine perswasions
shall not easily allure me to it. before his Lps pleasure knowne
therein. I rest
Yor freind
St Inegos ffort this Tho: Greene
21 June 1647
Edors. To Capt Edw: Hill These prsent.
[Letter of Gov. Greene to Gov. Berkeley.]
p. 72
Hond Sr
Yor Ires dated the 12th June last, & directed to Mr Caluert
came unto my hands, the sd Mr Caluert being dead some few
dayes afore. Who substituting mee in his steed. I make this
answere to yor request in the sd Ire concerning Capt Hill. Who
much wthout reason, seemes to suspect & doubt the Justice of
this Court. And whereas Sr in his behalfe yow desyre he
should be satisfyed in what shall be iustly dew unto him. I am
confident neuer was, nor euer would haue beene denyed him
by the noble Gentn deceased. wthout any such sollicitaon from
yow Nor shall Capt Hill, I hope, euer haue iust cause of clamour,
for any thing uniustly detayned from him here, soe long as I
shall haue any interest in the gouermt of this Prouince. And
these are humbly to intreate yow to take some effectuall course
tht Capt Hill may not by his euill designes & practises proceede
to disturbe his Maty the Kings peace here; of whose uniust &
wicked designes of inuading this Prouince, by the way of
Chicacoan & Appamatucks wth some other forces to be drawne
out of other parts of Virginia wee haue dayly credible infor-
maon, by others, & of late expressions of his owne sent unto
us under his owne hand from Chicacoan to tht purpose, ffor as
I would not willingly this Colony should be further imbrewed
in the effusion of blood, if it may bee auoyded; soe likewise I
will not be understood soe unresolued as not to bee fully deter-
mined to giue him his due, & deserued punishmt when euer
wee shall be inuaded by him. The gouermt of this Prouince
under his Lp being now lawfully instated uppon mee, by the
nominaon of Mr Calvert att his death. I am resolued by Gods
helpe to defend & meintaine, though itt bee wth the hazard &
ruine of the whole rather then to yeeld the least Iota of his Lps