an influence, of discontent tht it may ouerwhelme the whole.
Srs in this there is only difference in the prsons of the Gouernor
not his Lps title infringed, nor the peace soe tht yow may be
confident, it may be acted, wth out euill or the punishment
thereof, wch will happily fall on the Opposers. Howsoeur
(since Sr Willm Berkeleys Ires nor my owne, can procure a
priuate right but by Attorney) I haue little hopes to preuaile in
this busines of such concernmt yett tht I might giue a fayre
demostraon to the world, & his Lp of all proceedings, I haue
adventured to wright thus much unto yee his Counsell. And
in all freindly loue request yor answere. I would to the utter-
most of my power indeauor the safety of the prouince under
his Lp If it faile for all tht I know yee may be blame worthy.
Liber A.
ffor others of humors different from mine, priuately embrace a
parliamentary influence, wch may proue fatall to the whole.
Gentn I leave this to yor consideration. And rest.
Yor very lo: ffreind
Checakone the 20th of Edw: Hill.
June 1647.
Post script, I haue stopt my returne to Virginia in expectation
of yor answere weh I hope will bee spedy. And in tht uery
curtesy I shall rest thankfully yors
Edw: Hill.
Endors. TO hond ffrends Mr Thomas Greene
& Capt Giles Brent these prsent.
[Answer of Governor Greene.]
Whereas yor uaine claimes of right to this gouermt are
grounded uppon this false pretence. That the late Governor
being out of the Prouince, & not nominating one in his steed,
The Counsell residing in the Prouince had full power &
authority to elect & chuse yor wch is euident they had not, as
the words of his Lps Commisn plainely shew, ffor the words of
his Lps Commis" in breife are these. That in case or Leiut shall
happen to dye, or be absent out of the Prouince; & shall fayle
to make choyce of some prson to be or Leiut &c: Wee doe
grant to or Counsellors full power in such case to elect such an
able person, inhabiting & residing wthin or sd Prouince, weh
shall be one of or Counsell there. wch I presume yow are none
of. If yow are, wee understand it not as yett. As for yor
menacing us wth dangers & feares, we regard them not, desyr-
ing yow in curtesy, if yow please, to desist from such unlawfull
wayes. The Gouermt is now lawfully instated uppon mee,
p. 69