[And in case the number of the said Counsellors either by
death absence or otherwise shall at any time happen to be
reduced to lesse then three (besides the said Lieutt) his Lop
doth in that case give power to his Lieutt to supply the number
by nominating one or two more such other able psons in the
said pvince to be of his Lops Counsell and Conservator of the
peace there, as he the said Lieutt shall think fitt, whom his Lop
declares (after they have taken the oathes of fidelity & of
Counsellors to his Lop (wch his Lop requireth & authoriseth his
said Lieutent to administer vnto them) shalbe & have all the
powers & preeminences of Counsellors and Conservators of
the Peace within that Province, till vpon notice given therof
given therof to his Lop his pleasure be further knowen therin.
By vertue wherof the Lieutt Generall nominated Thomas
Gerard gent to be of his Lops Counsell & Conservator of the
peace within the Province, who took the oath of fidelity in these
I doe faithfully & truly acknowledge the right hor Cecilius
Lo. baltemore to be true & absolute Lo: & Proprietr of the
Prov. & country of maryland & the Hands thervnto belonging
and I doe sweare that I will beare faith vnto his Lop & his
heires Lords & Proprietors of the said Prov: & will yeild willing
& true obedience to his Lop & his said heires & to his & their
governmt in temporall affaires in & over the said Prov: & Hands
Liber P. R.
thervnto belonging as to the true & absolute Lords & Proprietors
of the said Province & the Ilands thervnto belonging. And I
doe also sweare that I will at all times as occasion shall require
to the vtmost of my power defend & meinteine all such his
Lops & his heires right interest priviledges royall iurisdiction
prerogatives and dominion over & in the said Prov: of maryl:
& Hands thervnto belonging & over the people who are or
shalbe therin for the time being, as are granted or mentioned
to be granted to his Lop & his said heires by the king or crowne
of Engl: in his Lops Pattent of the said Province vnder the great
scale of that kingdome. And I doe further sweare that I will
not either by my selfe or by any other pson or psons directly
or indirectly take accept receive purchase or possesse to any
other vse or vses whatsoever then only to the vse of the said
Lord & Proprietor and his heires & assignes any lands tenemts
or hereditaments in the said Prov. of maryl. or the Hands ther-
vnto belonging from any Indian or Indians or any other pson
or psons not deriving a title thervnto from or vnder some grant
from the said Lord & Proprietor or his heires vnder his or their
great seale of the said Prov. for the time being. So helpe me
And then he took the oath of a Counsellor in these words.
I doe sweare that whilst I am Counsellor of this Province,
p. 132