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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 547   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676. 547

an addicon of a fee to the Seale of each Respective County
Ano 71
An Act for the Selling the rates & prices in money of all
wines liquors & other Comodities Sold by Retayle within this
Province Ano 71

W H & L

An Act against Runnawayes & all such persons as shall give
them entertainment & others that shall travaile without passes
Ano 71
An Act for the Encouragement of the sowing & makeing of
hemp & flax Ano 71
An Act for the payment of the Publick Charge of this Pro-
uince Ano 71
An Act for the enrollment of Conveyances & Securing the
Estates of Purchasers Ano 71
An Act Limitting servants tymes Ano 71
An Act for the Reviveing of Certain Lawes within this Pro-
vince Ano 71
An Act for the payment of the Publick Charge of this Pro-
vince Ano 71
An Act Concerning Ordinary keepers made Ano 1674
An Act for the Repeale of Certain Lawes Ano 74
An Act for mending the wayes out of Charles County to the
Citty of St Maryes Ano 74
An Act for to Reforme atturneys Chancellors & Solicitors
at Law of this Province to avoid unnecessary Charges in suites
att Law Ano 74
An Act appointing Sherriffes to take bayle Ano 74
An Act Concerning taxable persons Ano 74
An Act for payment & assessing the Publick Charge of this
Province Ano 74
An Act for the Rayseing a present supply for his Excellency
the Capn Generall to defray the Charges of makeing peace
with the Seneca Indians & makeing warr with the Susquehan-
noh Indians & their Confederates if occasion Requires Ano 74
An Act impowering the Gouernour & Councell to Leavy
the Charge for makeing warr or peace with the Indians Ano 74
An Act for Reviveing Certain lawes within this Province
Ano 74
An Act for Regulacon of Attorneys fees Ano 74
An Act for payment & Assessing the Publick Charge of
this Prouince Ano 74
Bee by this present Act of Generall Assembly absolutely
Repealed & for ever after to be void & of none Effect And
Bee itt further Enacted by the Authority advice and Consent
aforesaid (att the humble Request of his Lordpps lower house
of Assembly) That these Lawes following Entituled as in the
Schedule hereunder written Vizt

p. 124

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 547   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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