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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 548   View pdf image
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548 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676.

W H &L

An Act for Church Liberties made Anno 1640
An Act for vncertain goods Ano 1640
An Act for provideing against Suddaine accidents in the
Gouernment Ano 40
An Act touching Judicature Ano 1646
An Act touching Pagans Ano 1647
An Act Concerning Religion Ano 1649 & 50
An Act of Recognicon of the Lawfull & Vndoubted Right
& title of the Right Honble Caecilius Lord Baron of Baltemore
Absolute Lord & Proprietary of the Prouince of Maryland
unto the said Prouince & vnto all Islands ports and Creekes
to the same belonging 49 & 50
An Act Concerning the Purchaseing of land from the Indians
Ano 49 & 50
An Act of oblivion Ano 49 & 50

p. 125

An Act for the Punishment of Certain offences against the
peace & safety of the Prouince Ano 49 & 50
An Act for the punishment of such as shall Counterfeit the
Lord Proprietary or his heires Lords and Proprietaryes of this
Province great Seale of this Prouince Ano 49 & 50
An Act against rayseing of money within this Province with-
out Consent of the Assembly Ano 49 & 50
An Act Concerning the Leavying of warr within this Province
Ano 49 & 50
An Act prohibitting the transportacon or Sale of his Lord-
shipps Ordinance Amunicon Goods Chatties &c. 49 & 50
An Act for the Speedy payment of debts due to the Lord
Prop7 Ano 49 & 50
An Act for the planting of Corne Ano 49: 50
An Act touching Indians 49-50
An Act for takeing an oath of fidelity to the Lord Propr.y

The Oath of fidelity to the Lord Propry of this Prouince

An Act Concerning accomptants to the Lord Proprietary

An Act Concerning trade with the Indians 49-50
An Act touching hoggs & marking Cattle 49-50
An Act for punishment of Certain offences as swearing
Curseing Adultery &c. Ano 1650
An Act for punishment of some other offences Ano 50
An Act prohibitting all Complyance with Capn William
Cleyborne in opposition of his Lordships Right & Dominion
over this Province Ano 50
An Act Concerning deserted plantacons Ano 50
An Act for the Erecting of Province into a County by the
name of Ann Arundell County — 50

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 548   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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