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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 546   View pdf image
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546 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676.

W H & L

An Act for the Encouragement of trade Ano 67
An Act provideing against Runnawayes & such as shall En-
tertain them Ano 67
An Act giveing passes to those persons that are to Depart
this Province Ano 67
An Act lymitting servants times Ano 67
An Addiconall act to the Law Entituled An Act for the Pub-
licacon of Marryages Ano 67
An Act Limitting Ordinary keepers Ano 67
An Act provideing for the payment of the 25l tob p poll in
the cessation yeare to the Leivt Genll Ano 67
An Act for the Reviveing of Certain lawes within this Pro-
vince Ano 67
An Act for the Burgesses Expences & other Publick debts
Ano 67
An Act Lymitting Ordinary keepers made Anno 1669
An Act for Reviveing certain Lawes within this Province
Ano 69.
An Act of gratitude to the Leivtenant Generall Charles Cal-
vert Esqr Anno 69
An Act to avoyd double payment of debts Ano 69
An Act for marking high wayes & makeing the heads of
Rivers Creekes branches & swamps passable for horse and
foote Anno 69
An Act for payment of money Debts in Tobacco Ano 69
An Act for the Releife of Prisoners taken in Execucon
Ano 69
An Act appointing Court dayes in each respective County
within this Province Ano 69
An Act provideing against sherriffes takeing Excessive fees
Ano 69
An Act for preventing Servants & Criminall persons from
Running out of this Province Ano 69
An Act for the Reviveing & amendment of an act Entituled
an Addiconall Act Concerning the payment of fees due from
Criminall persons Ano 69
An Act for the payment of the Publick Charge of this Pro-
vince Ano 69
An Act for the aduancement of Forreigne Coynes Anno
An Act touching Coopers Ano 71
An Act for Stay of Execucons after Aprill Court Ano 71
An Act for Reviveing Certain lawes within this Province
Ano 71
An Act for the Coroners fees Ano 71
An Explanacon of two clauses in an act Entituled an act for
the Clerkes fees & allowance for Iurors in civill causes with

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 546   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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