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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 545   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676. 545

An Act for the Administracon of Justice Ano 64
An Act for the Leavying the surveyor Generalls fees Ano 64
An Act for the Rule of Arrest & summons for wittnesses by
all sherriffes & a Rule for Entring accons & fileing accons &
Peticons Ano 64
An Act for proceedings att Law Ano 64
An Act for appointing a Publick Notary Ano 64
An Act for Seating of land in Baltemore County Ano 64
An Act prohibitting tradeing and gameing with servants
Ano 64
An Act for land five yeares in possession Ano 64
An Act provideing what shall be good Evidence uppon bills
bonds & Specialtyes comeing out of England & other parts
Ano 64
An Act Concerning proceedings att Law Ano 64
An Act Concerning payment of Debts due by Bill Ano 64
An Act for the Burgesses Expenccs & other Publick debts
Ano 64
An Act for Ferryes Ano 64
An Act for provideing a Magazine Ano 64
An Additionall Act to an Act Entituled Act concerning the
payment of fees due from Criminall persons Ano 64
An Act for the Reviveing of Certain lawes within this Pro-
vince Ano 64
An Act of Encouragement for Wm Smith in his vndertake-
ing the Countryes worke at St Maryes Ano 64
An Act for the preservation of Certain Articles made with
the Susquahannough Indians Ano 64
An Act for the Burgesses Expences Ano 64
An Act for Recording the Journall of the lower house made
Anno 1666
An Act for marking high wayes & makeing the heads of
Rivers Creekes and Branches & swamps passable for horse
and foote 66.
An Act concerning outlawries Ano 66
An Act Explaining the Act Entituled An Act for the muster
master Genlls fees Ano 66
An Act prohibitting forreigne Ingrossers Ano 66
An Act for the Clerkes fees & allowance of Iurors in civill
causes Ano 66
An Act for the Repeale of an Act of Encouragement to
Wm Smith in his vndertakeing the worke att St Maries 66.
An Act for building a prison att St Maries Ano 66.
An Act against Hogg stealers Ano 66.
An Act for Repeale of part of a Branch of An Act Enti-
tuled An Addicon to the Secrys fees Ano 66
An Act touching payment of Debts Ano 1667

W H &L

p. 123

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 545   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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