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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 544   View pdf image
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544 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676.

W H &L

An Explanacon of that Clause in an act made by Capn Wm
Stone Apl.l 21t.h 1649 touching hoggs and Marking of Cattle.
An Act Concerning payment for bullion brought in this Pro-
uince Ano 62
An Act for Encouragmt of Sowing English graine Ano 62
An Act concerning the payment of fees due from Criminall
persons Ano 62
An Act for the Reviveing certain lawes within this Province
Anno 62
An Act for encouragement of Ordinary keepers Ano 62
An Act declareing what shall be done by the Sherriffe Ex-
officio Ano 62
An Act Concerning payment of debts due by bill Ano 1662
An Act Concerning taxable persons Ano 1662
An Act imposeing a fee on them who shall be marryed
Ano 62
An Act appointing Sherriffes Ano 62
An Act touching Runnawayes Ano 62
An Act of gratitude for the Leivt Generall Ano 62
An Act Lymitting Servants tymes Ano 62
An Act Concerning the Secry & an addicon to his fees
Ano 62
An Addiconall Act against hogstealers Ano 62
An Act for the Burgesses Expences Ano 62
An Act for the quieting possessions of lands & Establishing
the manner of Conveyances for land for the future made Anno
An Act concerning English servants that Runnaway in Com-
pany of Negroes or other Slaues Ano 64
An Act for a Prison att St Maryes Ano 64.
An Act for Erecting a pillory Stocks & Ducking Stoole in
every County of this Prouince Ano 64
An Act for the Continuance of an Act Entituled an Act of
gratitude for the Leivt Generall Ano 64
An Act for provideing Irons in each County for burning
malefactors Ano 64.
An Act for Repeale of the Second Branch of an act made
att St Johns the 4t.h of March 1657 by Thomas Green Esqr
Gouernour Entituled An Act touching payment of Debts
Ano 64
An Act enjoyning Sherriffes to take bayle Ano 64
An Act to give Smiths Execucon for their debts Ano 64
An Act for the preservacon of Orphans Estates Ano 64

p. 122

An Act against Exportacon of wool & old Iron Ano 64
An Act for Repeale of a Clause in an act made the 23th
day of October 1640 by Leonard Calvert Esqr Leivt Generall
of this Province Entituled an Act for Servants Cloathes
Ano 64

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 544   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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