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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 543   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676. 543

people within this Province in not knowing what Lawes are in
force & unrepealed & by the multiplicity of Lawes to one and
the same thing which many tymes interferr one with another &
yett Judgment is given uppon the same many tymes contrary
to the true intent of the said Lawes And whereas itt is found
by Experience that many of the Lawes in the body of the
Lawes as well perpetuall as temporall are become vselesse or
Repealed in other private Acts not Sufficiently taken notice of
& serve to noe other purpose but to swell the Lawes to a
great volumne, & others are found not fitt to be Revived There-
fore to prevent the like inconveniency for the future & to as-
certaine what Lawes are att the Expiracon of this present Ses-
sions of Assembly in full force to be observed & Judged by
They humbly pray that itt may be Enacted And bee itt En-
acted by the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary by & with the
advice & Consent of the Upper & lower houses of this pre-
sent Generall Assembly & the Authority thereof That these
Lawes following Entituled as in the Schedule hereunder writ-
ten vizt
An Act made Anno 1640 touching Servants Cloathes
An Act made Anno 1647 touching Court dayes
An Act made Anno dco for the Extent of Attachments &
Execucons Ao 47
An Act touching payment of debts Anno 47
An Act against fugitiues made Anno 1649
An Act for support of the Lord Pro pry Ao 49
An Act Concerning the Secretary & Sherriffes fees made Ao
An Act for fees to the sherriffe Ao 50
An Act prohibiting any Indians to come into Kent or Ann
Arundell Counties without notice given Ao 50
An Act Concerning the Secry & Clerkes fees Ao 50
An Act for the Surveyor Genll.s fees Ao 50
Alsoe An Act for the muster master Genll.s fees Ano 50
An Act Concerning the gage of Tobacco hhds made Ano
An Act for the killing of wolves Ano 58
An Act prohibiting ground leaves & seconds Ano 58
An Act for the aduancement of Childrens Estates Ano 58
An Act for millitary discipline made Anno 1661
An Explanacon of that Clause of an act made by Capn Wm
Stone the 29th Aprill Ano 50 Concerning the Secfy & sher fees
Ano 61
An Act Concerning those servants that haue bastards Anno

W H & L

An Act for the Publicacon of Marryages Ano 62
An Enterpretacon or Explanacon of that Act lymitting Ser-
vants tymes made the last Assembly Ano 1661-62

p. 121

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 543   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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