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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 536   View pdf image
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536 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676.

W H &L

For the Resurvey of 140 Acres or under made with Cir-
cumferentr & Chaine or other Necessary Instrument


For the Resurvey of any quantity of land aboue 140

Acres Double the fees aboue Specified for Survey in

all Respects.

To the Sherriffe

For Seruing any writt or warrant & head & bayle bond


For tending uppon a Prisoner p day if 24 houres in Custody


For Collecting Publick duties 10lb Tob. p Cent.

For Seruing an Execucon or Attachment


If the Execucon be for aboue 100 & under 500lb Tob


p. 114

If itt Exceed 500


If itt Exeed 1000 then for the first 1000


And for every 1000 afterwards


For any Extraordinary Warrant or Comon the fee to be

regulated by the Court

For Empanelling a Iury


To the Cryer of the Prouinciall Court

lb tob

For Swearing every Iury


For every wittnes 1s or


For every Speciall bayle ordered in Court


For every good behauior ordered in Court


For every Cleereing of a prisoner p Proclamacon 6s: 8d or


To a Coroner vizt

For viewing the body or bodyes of any person or per-

sons murthered Slaine drowned or other wayes dead

by misaduenture to be paid out of the goods &

lb Tob

Chatties of the person soe dead if any there be other-


wise to be Leavyed by the Comissioners of the

County where such accident shall happen

For arresting or summoning of any Sherriffe sued or

presented in any Court & for takeing security of


such Sherriffe for his appearance

For the Arresting Sumoning or attaching any other

person or persons wherein the Sherriffe is plt such

fees as are allowed to be taken by the Sherriffe in

such Case & noe more

To the Cryer of the County Court

For Swearing every Iury


For every wittnes


For Speciall Bayle


For every good behauiour


For Clearing every prisoner by Proclamacon


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 536   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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