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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 537   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, .May — June 1676. 537

Provided allwaies that in Case any person shall Refuse to
pay the same soe by this Act limitted and allowed Itt may and
shall be Lawfull for the Chancellor Secretary Iudge of Probatt
of wills Surveyor Generall sherriffe Coroner & Cryers of the
Courts to Recover the same by way of Execucon against the

W H & L

goods or body of the person soe Refuseing & noe other And
in case any shall doe Contrary directly or indirectly to this Act
shall loose & forfeit to the party grieved treble Damages And
shall alsoe forfeit the sume of six thousand pounds of Tobacco
or forty pound Starling for every tyme he or they shall soe doe
the Contrary the one moiety to the Lord Proprietary his heires
and Successors the other moiety to the party or parties that
shall Sue for the Same by any plaint Accon suite bill or Infor-
macon wherein noe Essoyne Proteccon or wager of Law shall
be allowed Provided alwayes that if any fees for any matter or
thing hereafter to be done belonging to their Severall office or
offices & by the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary or his
Leivtenant & Gouernour and Councell soe allowed and ad-
judged & not in this Act menconed Lymitted and allowed
Then itt shall be Lawfull to haue & Receive such fees as the
Lord Propry & Councell shall Iudge and allow & noe more
under the Penalty aforesaid to be Recovered as aforesaid.

An Act for easment of the Inhabitants of this Prouince
in Suites att Law for small Debts

Whereas the Inhabitants of this Prouince haue been much
grieved molested & troubled by being forced by Prouinciall
Writts to appeare att the Prouinciall Courts & fee Atturnyes
there notwithstanding the debts for are very small & within
the Cognizance of the County Courts of this Prouince for the
prevencon whereof for the future the burgesses and delegates
of this present Generall Assembly doe humbly pray that
itt may be Enacted And Bee itt Enacted by the Right Honble
the Lord Proprietary by and with the aduice & Consent of the
Upper and lower houses of this present Generall Assembly &
the Authority of the same That from & after the Publicacon
hereof noe accon for a booke debt or for a plain bill for or under
the summe of fifteene hundred pounds of Tobacco & Caske
shall be Comenced or prosecuted against any Inhabitant of
this Prouince in the Prouinciall Courts Except onely upon
appeales from the County Courts of this Prouince and attor-
neys of the Prouinciall Courts & County Courts for their fees
onely who shall haue liberty to sue for the same in the Court
where they are Attorneys And that noe attorneys of the Pro-
uinciall Court shall be allowed any priviledge to debarr him
from being sued in the County Court where he lives.

P. 115

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 537   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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