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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 535   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676.


Signing Judgment

24 Liber

Entry Judgment

32 W H & L

Coppy of the Judgment


Fileing Bill of Costs


Coppy of Bill of Costs


Execution & Returne


Sci: fa: & Ret.


Speciall Bayle


Fileing Demurrer

16 P. 113

Writt of Enquiry Damages & ret


Coppy of Demurrer


For drawing any protest and Recording


For any other matter attested as Publick Notary & under

the Seale 50lb Tob if the same Exceed one side p rato

at 15 lines & 7 words to a Line

For a Patent for land


Proueing Rts 2lb Tob. p poll

Entry of Assignment if not Exceed halfe a Side


Entry of a Certificat for land as aboue

Warrant for land


Warrant to Resurvey


Fees in Criminall Causes as fees in England

All other fees not herein Comprized now belonging to the
Secretaryes office accordingly due to officers in England pro
rato in Ready mony att 1d p pound

To the Surveyor Genll & his Deputies ft Tob

To the survey of 100 Acres or under 1lb Tob. p acre
For any quantity aboue 100 Acres & under 200 Acres
for the first 100 as before & 1/2 lb Tob. p Acre for the
If between 200 Acres & 500 then for the first 200 as before &

1/4 lb Tob for all aboue

For 500 Acres as before & for all aboue 10lb Tob. p 100
For every platt allowing two platts for every Survey that is to
say one for the party & another to be Entred uppon the Sur-
veyors Booke 10lb Tob. for the first 100 Acres or under &
after the Rate of 5lb pct for all aboue the first hundred
For Journey fees if the place be distant from the Surveyors
house 20 miles or under 40lb Tobacco if aboue 20 Miles &
under 40 then 80lb Tob if aboue 40 miles & under be then
120lb Tob & soe pro rato the party finding boat hands & Ne-
cessary Prouision

lb Tob

For every Certificate of —— Survey be the quantity more
or lesse 5


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 535   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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