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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 531   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676. 531

be graciously pleased to Confirme the said will & that itt may
Remayne firme to all intents & purposes according to the de-
sire of the said Testator And thereuppon his Lordshipp did
assent thereunto but did not know of any other way for graunt-
ing their Peticon but by Settling the said Lands on the Mayor
Recorder & aldermen & Comon Councell of the Citty of St
Maryes & their Successors for the tyme being who being a
Corporacon were Capable of Receiveing the grant of the said
land to the Intended uses.
Bee itt there Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Proprie-
tary by & with the aduice and Consent of the upper & Lower
houses of this present Generall assembly & the Authority of
the same That the said reall Estate of the said Robert Cager
& all the messuages Lands Tenements & Hereditaments what-
soever in this Prouince of Maryland to him belonging be & are
hereby vested Estated and Setled in the said Mayor Recorder
& aldermen & Comon Councell of the said Citty of St Maryes
& their Successors for ever in an Estate of Inheritance in fee
simple And that the said Mayor Recorder & Aldermen &
Comon Councell & their Successors shall & may haue
hold occupie possesse & Enjoy the said lands and Premises
& every part thereof And Sett lett & dispose thereof or
any part thereof to such person or persons as they or
their Successors shall think fitt the present Incumbent or
minister haueing the first Refuseall if he think fitt to take the
same And dispose of the Rents Issues & profitts thereof
to the vses intents and purposes hereafter menconed (that
is to say) That the said lands & Tenements & the Profitts
thereof be disposed of for the maintenance of a Protestant
Minister from tyme to tyme to be amongst the Inhabitants of
St Georges & Poplar hill hundred such an one as the said In-
habitants shall allow and approue of for their minister &
Teacher according to the true intent and meaning of the said
Testators will & to noe other vse whatsoever the Statute of
Mortiname or any other Law Custome or usage to the Con-
trary thereof in any wayes Notwithstanding.
And whereas Peter Watts one of the Executors in the said
will named hath taken uppon him the burthen of the said Exe-
cutorship and proved the said will And thereby possessed him-
selfe of the said Robert Cagers personall Estate Bee itt En-
acted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Executor shall

W H &L

from tyme to tyme give an account to the said Mayor Recorder
& Aldermen & Comon Councell of the said Citty & their Suc-
cessors of his Executorshipp and pay and deliver into their
hands the Remainder of the said Robert Cagers personall Es-
tate after debts and other necessary Charges are payd &
deducted To the end that the said Mayor Recorder Aldermen

p. 110

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 531   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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