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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 530   View pdf image
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530 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676.

W H & L

where the said party or partyes Cooper or Coopers doe att
that tyme dwell & reside unlesse the said Cooper or Coopers
person or persons agreeing or vndertaking the said worke or
taske aforesaid shall or cann before the Comissioners of such
County Courts make itt sufficiently appeare that he was hin-
dered in performing his said agreement or undertakeing by
Sicknesse or some other Lawfull impediment to be adjudged
& approved of by the said Comissioners of the said severall
County Courts This Act to Endure for three yeares or to the
end of the next Generall Assembly.

An Act for the Settling the Inheritance of the
Reall Estate of Robert Cager as alsoe his personall
Estate uppon the mayor Recorder Aldermen
& Comon Councell of the Citty of St Maryes & their
Successors to the vses in the said Robert Cagers
will menconed.

Whereas Robert Cager late of St Georges hundred in the
County of St Maryes County deceased was in his life time
Seized in his Demesne as of fee of Severall parcells of land &
plantacons scituate lyeing and being in St Maryes Somersett &
other Counties within this Prouince And alsoe possessed of a
personall Estate to a good value he the said Robert Cager
being soe Seized & possessed did make his last will & Testa-
ment in writeing bearing date the 24t.h day of January 1675 &
therein & thereby amongst other things did devise give and
bequeath all his Estate both Reall & personall Estate move-
ables & imoveables lands & Tenements by what name or title
soever Called or any way appeare to be his (his debts being

p. 109

first well Satisfyed contented & payd) vnto the Inhabitants of
St. Georges & Poplar hill hundred in the aforesaid County &
to their Successors & Survivors for ever for maintenance of a
Protestant ministry from time to time amongst them as they
the Inhabitants of the said Hundreds or the Major part thereof
shall approve of for their minister & teacher the freeholders of
the said two hundreds or the Major part of them to Ellect in-
duct & approve of such from tyme to tyme to be their minister
and teacher That he soe admitted to Enjoy the Benefitt of the
said Estate soe ordered & given as aforesaid And he did there-
by Constitute & appoint Mr ffrancis Sourton Mr George Macall
& Mr Peter Watts to be his Lawfull Executors to see to the
performance of this his will. And they to nominate such after
them as might see to the Carrying on & prosecuting from time
to time the intent of his said will according as he had before
menconed And whereas the Inhabitants of St Georges & Poplar
hill hundreds did humbly supplicate his Lordship that he would

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 530   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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