His Lordship informeth the Lower house tht upon Capt
Allens first goeing out to Range according to the Comission
Sent him his Lop did give him encouragemt to beleive that the
Assembly would allow his men 30l Tob p day And his Lord-
ship hopes the Lower house will thinke the Said allowance
To be noe more then Reasonable for what is past and tht they
will Continue the Said allowance till the next fall dureing
which time his Lop and the upper house doe think there will
be a Necessity for the Said Capt Allens Rangeing
His Lordship doth give notice to both houses That he pur-
poseth to break up the prsent Session On Thursday next
This House is resolved into a Comittee to Joyne with a
Comittee of the Lower house for Inspection of the Lawes, and
to advise of the Repeale or Continuance of the said Lawes
The house is adjourned till tomorrow
Morning at 10 of the Clock