On Munday June the 1 2th The house met
Prsent The Honoble Chancellor Secretary and Surveyr Genll
Coll Samll Chew Coll Jesse Wharton Coll Tho Taylor
This house hath Considered of the message sent from the
Lower house touching his Lops assenting to the Lawes to be
made this Assembly & are of opinion that it is unseasonable
to request his Lordship to declare whether he will Consent to
Lawes in genll before we prsent him wth the pticular Lawes
desired to be passed, But if the Lawes be first prsented to both
Houses to be Considered it will give his Lordship alsoe time
to consider them, Either as they are temporarie or intended to
be perpetuall Respectively and then if they are temporarie
onely may perhaps induce his Lop to passe them as proba-
tioners with lesse Consideracon, But if they are designed to be
perpetuall must of necessity take Up more time then his Lops
Departure out of this Province will permit duely to Consider