Vpon Reporte made to this house by Mr Henry Adames
Major Wm. Boareman and Mr Benjamin Rosier Touching the
Indians lately taken prissonrs ordered tht the Said prissonrs be
forthwith released and delivered to the great men of the re-
spective Townes To which the Said Prissoners doe belong and
tht Strict Charge be given to the Said great men to Watch the
Said Indians Egresse and Regresse
This house will Consent wth the vote of the Lower house
touching the etenerary Charges of the Lower house Comeing
to and goeing from this Assembly as alsoe of the Itinerary
Charges of the Delegates Comeing and goeing to lay the
Leavie Provided the Itinerary Charges of the Members of the
Upper house as well in Comeing and goeing to and from this
Assembly as in Comeing to the laying of the Leavie and Re-
tourning home againe may be allowed out of the publick.
The house is adjowrned Till 10 a Clock
To morrow Morning
On Thursday June the 15th The house met
Present The Rt Honoble The Lord Proprietary the Honoble
Chancellor Secretary and Surveyr genll Coll Samll Chew Coll
Jesse Wharton and Leivt Collonll Thomas Taillor
Lowr house Ordered tht Capt Allens Accot be Referred till the
14 June makeing up the Leavie and tht the Souldiers be al-
76 lowed according to act of Assembly and noe more,
this accot being altogether imperfect for the Souldiers names
ought to be incerted and when and how often out upon Ser-
vice tht soe the Said Souldiers may be particularly and By
name payd out of the publick
Signed &c