Demonstrated their gratitude to the Lord Proprietary for his
many Signall favours and benignity Conferred on this house
for the Universall utility of the good people of this province by
a Vote passed this house this Morning, in relation to the pub-
lique Tobaccoe in the possession of his Lordp, That as a more
ample acknowledgment of his Lops paternall respects to his
good people and a further demon stracon of theire Jndelible
Loyalty fidelity and Love to his Lordship and his Successors
It may not be necessary this prsent Session of Assembly to
enlarge the Act for the Jmposition of 2s p hogshd by graunting
and Continueing it for the naturall Life of the Honoble Caecillius
Calvert Sonne and heire apparent to The Lord Proprietary after
his Lordships Death Yea Or no.
Put to the Vote according to the above Proposition
Voted by the Major part that the Said Act be enlarged ac-
cording to the Said proposall and be prsented To the Vpper
house for theire Concurrence herein
Signed &c
This house doe Concurre wth the Lower house in the above
Signed by Rich Boughton
Clk of the Assembly