Upper House of Assembly Iune the Ist 1676
Then was taken into Consideracon the bill of Attainder
of Major Thomas Truman Sent up from the Lower house
Yesterday, and upon Serious Consideracon thereof and Debate
thereupon This house doe Judge That the act drawne up agt
Major Truman does in noe wise answer or Justifie the Jm-
peachmt Upon wch it was grounded for tht in the Said Impeach-
ment the said Truman Stands Charged of Crimes Comitted
against the Lawes of God Nations this province as alsoe agt the
Comission and Jnstructions given him (Viz) for the barbarous
Cruelty in Causeing to be put to death, and Murdering the five
Indians of which he being found guilty, the punishmt prescribed
and assigned in the said act of Attainder does noe wayes agree
with nor answer the nature of tht offence It being greatly
dishonourable, as well as unsafe and dangerous To lay any
fine in Such Cases and Where Such horrid Crimes haue been
That the Lower house of Assembly haveing layd the Im-
peachmt Soe high (though as it is Conceaved) noe higher then
the nature of the Crime well deserved, it will be much Won-
dered by those who shall heare and view our proceedings
thereon what shall be the Cause why the Same hath been past
over with soe Slender and Sleight a punnishmt being noe more
then what Crimes of a more Inferiour nature might have
deserved That by this act of Attainder the Governmt will not
suffitiently be Cleared, nor have it made appeare to the World
how much the wickedness of tht accon is detested and disowned
by vs nor in any sort will the Lower house of Assembly make
out tht great Sense wch in theire impeachmt they have expresst
p. 35
to have of tht Action And (wch very much Concernes the
Jnterest and Safety of the Government) it will not give any
Satisfaction to the Heathens, With whome the publick ffaith
hath been broke, and Untill Such Actions are [in a] more
publick manner disowned tht the Jndians may take notice
thereof It is not to be expected tht any faith or Creditt will be
given to any [Treaties] We Shall haue with them Which in
thi[s Dangerous] Juncture of affaires the Country will Stand in
[need of] and on which we must in some measure depend on
as the Lower house of Assembly were of oppinion When they
Sent the paper in answer to Capt Jno Aliens Longer Rangeing