That if Crimes of soe high a nature Shall deserve noe greatr
punnishment, then what is inflicted by that Act, Offences of a
Lower nature will not require any, and by this meanes and
through Such proceedings as these, noe Comissions Instruc-
tions, powers and directions for the future will ever be Ob-
served, and to noe purpose will it be to thinke to tye Up any
Officer by Such hereafter, and Soe all Authority will become
Rediculous and Contemptible Jn fine by this Act the Lower
house of Assembly will have owned the Actions of the Said
Truman more then (as they ought to haue done) detested and
abhorred them and Soe Render the Governmt Odious To all
people that Shall become Acquainted with the proceedings
Signed by ordr
Lower house June 2 1676 Rich Boughton Clk of
the Assembly
This paper being read in the Lower house and the Debate
Reassumed in this house touching the Said bill of Attainder,
and Voted Nemine Contradicente that the Said Major Truman
for his Crime does not deserue death in Regard tht Seavll Cir-
cumstances tht appeared at his Tryall doe extinuate his Crime
very much, as the Unanimous Consent of the Virginians
and the genll Jmpetuosity of the Whole feild as well Mary-
Landers as Virginians upon the Sight of the Christians Mur-
dered at Mr Hinsons, and them very Indians that were there
Killed being proved to be murderers both of them and Seavll
U. H.
other Christians And in Regard alsoe tht it appeares to this
house tht the Said Crime Was not maliciously perpetrated or
out of any designe to Prejudice the province, But meerely out
of ignorance and to prvent a mutiny of the Whole Army as
well Virginians as Marylanders Wherefore This house doe
not think fitt to Recede from theire former Vote
Signed by ordr of the house
Robert Ridgely Clk of the
Lower house of Assembly
The house is adjowrned till 10 a Clock
To morrow Morning
On Fryday June the 2d the house met
Present The Honoble Chancellour Secretary & Surveyr Genll
Coll Sam" Chew Coll Jesse Wharton Coll Tho Taylor
This house tooke into Consideration the many benefitts tht
have acrued to this province by the Continuall Rangeing of
our horse men and therefore desire the Lower house to con-
sider tht noe neighbour Jndian will attempt any thing to the
p. 36