And that if a horse be killed the owner to be paid for him
by the publick but if lost nothing to be payd for him
To the last three Articles tht his Lopp or the Governor for
the time being (upon any Occasions to p[ress Provisions)
Will please to appoint two Sufficient psons in every hundred
to impresse all Ma[nner of] Provissions and other necessaries
for the [Supplying] any partie by his Lordp Sent out accord-
[ing] as [his] Lordp Shall thinke fitt and tht the Respective
Sh[ffs] and other Officers to be assisting to such presse
Signed &c
Charles Iames haveing due notice given him to prepare for
his Tryall this Morning being Called did make his appeareance,
and the Articles of impeachmt agt the Said Iames being read
and after this the Seavll Depositions thereto annexed wch alsoe
were Sworne to by the Seaverall and respective Deponents in
the prsence and hearing of the Said Charles James, Mr Kenelme
Chisledine and Cott Wm Burges according to a preceeding
order of the Lower house, did manage the said impeachmt and
vrge the Seavll Evidences against the Said Charles James,
Whereupon This house doe Judge it fitte that Charles James
be disabled to beare anie publick office or Jmployment and
have therefore desired his Lop to Call in the Said James his
Comission for Shff of Caecill Countie Which his Lopp hath
accordingly done
Signed by order
R: Boughton Clerk of
The Assembly
Lowr house This house are very well Satisfied with the
June the 1st 1676 prceedings agt Charles James, not doubting but
being disabled to beare any publick Office, The Said James
Comission for Coroner and Deputy Surveyr will be Voyd
Signed by ordr of The house
Robert Ridgely Clke of the
Lower house of Assembly