Ordered tht Clement Hill high Shff of St Maries County be
hereby impowered to presse Boate and hands and other Neces-
saries Whatsoever in order to the Transmitting Seaverall Run-
away Servants from Virginia back againe to the Said Collony
Signed &c
On Munday the 29th day of May at 10 a Clock
in the Morning the house mett
Present The Rt Honoble The Ld Proprietary
The Honoble Chancellor and Secretary, Baker Brookes Esqr
Colonell Samll Chew Coll Jesse Wharton Leivetennt Coll
Thomas Taillor
Read a Peticon Exhibited to. this house by Leivet Coll:
Thomas Taillor and the Same Ascented to by this house and
the Concurrence of the Lower house desired therein
Signed &c
Read the Seavll Acts following viz The Act for Easement
of the Jnhabbitants of this province in Suites at Law for Small
debts, The Act for the Constables Takeing the Lists of Tax-
ables The Act to prvent unnecessary delayes of Execution and
all the Said Acts ascented to by this house
Signed &c
The house is adjowrned till 10 a Clock
Tomorrow Morning
On Tuesday the 30th of May. 76 The house met
at 10 a Clock in the Morning
Present The Rt Honoble The Ld Proprietary The Honoble Chan-
cellor and Secretary Baker Brookes Esqr Coll Samll Chew Coll
Jesse Wharton. Coll Tho Taylor
Voted th the 3 Acts last mentioned be Sent downe To the
Lower house To be Engrosed