On Saturday May 2yth The house mett in the afternoone
Prsent The Rt Honoble The Ld Proprietary The Honoble Chan-
cellor and Secretary Cott Samll Chew Coll Jesse Wharton Coll
Thomas Taillor
Major Thomas Truman haveing due Notice given him on
Thursday last, To prepare for his Tryall this afternoon being
Called did make his appeareance, and the articles of Impeachmt
agt the said Major Thomas Truman being Read and after this
The Seavll Depositions annexed thereto wch alsoe were Sworne
to by the Seavll and Respective Deponts in the prsence and hear-
ing of the Said Major Thomas Truman Mr Kenelme Chisledyne
his Lops Attorney Genll Mr Robt Carvile Collonel Wm Burges and
Mr Wm Stephens According to a preceeding order of the Lower
house did Mannage the Said Jmpeachmt and Urge the Seavll