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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 427   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, February 1674/5. 427

Lower house 17th February
Jt was put to the Vote in the Lower house whether it be not
Convenient that an Act be drawn up to Impower the Lieu-
tenant General for one year to lay a Publick Levy upon the
Inhabitants of this Province for Defraying the Charge of the
Indian Warr if Occasion be.
Voted Necessary for one year and that the Concurrence of
the Upper House be desired with this house in the said Vote

Upper house 18th February.

This house desires to be Satisfied by the Lower house
whether it be the Sense of that house that the Governor and
Councill shall be Empowered to Levy the Charge of the Indian
Warr for one whole year or only till the time of laying the
publick Levy next year.

Lower house 17th february.

A proposall in this house whether it be Convenient for this
house to Consider that a Law be provided for Arms and
Ammunition to be kept in Every County for their Defence or
at leastwise in the Upper Counties where the Inhabitants at
present are most in Danger
It being putt to the Vote, Voted Necessary and that there be
thirty fire arms with Sufficient Ammunition in each County
and that his Excellency be Desired to Concurr with this house
in their Vote, and that the Parties to be Intrusted with the said
Arms and Ammunition be Such as his Excellency shall think
fitt to appoint.

U. H..

Lower house February the 18th.

This house having reassumed the Debate touching the Law
for Empowering the Iudge in Testamentary Business to grant
Administration without Oath, Voted that this house send a
Message to the Upper house to desire the Lieutenant General
to acquaint this house if he hath received any Instructions from
the Lord Proprietary touching the Dispensation with Oaths of
Persons that cannot Swear for Conscience Sake as well upon
Administrations as all other Affairs, and if he hath any Such
Instructions, then this house humbly Desire him to inform them

Lower house 18th February.

Voted in this house that it is the Sense of this house, that
the Govr and Council be Empowered to Levy the Charge of

p. 382

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 427   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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