the Indian Warr for one whole year from the 1 4th of February
Mr Chew sent with a Verball Answer to the Message touch-
ing Instructions from the Lord Proprietary for Dispensing with
Three times read an Act for Regulation of Attorneys fees
and Passed
Mr Taylor Sent with the following Message to the Lower
house Viz' This house is of Opinion that a Bond &? proved
before the Mayor of any Town Corporate and Certified under
the Common Seal of the Corporation with Oath made that no
payment hath been made &c: ought to be Admitted in this
Province as well as a Bond proved before a Notary Publick
and that such words ought to be Added to the Act, Providing
what shall be Good Evidence to prove Foreign Debts.
The house is Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 9 of the
On Friday february 19th the house met.