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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 426   View pdf image
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426 Assembly Proceedings, February 1674/5.

U. H.


made known to him how much he is Beholding to the Lower
house of Assemblie for Mediating and Interceeding in his Be-
half with the Lieut General and that he remain at the City of
St Maries to be Employed in Such Service as the Governor
and Council shall think fitt during the Pleasure of the Governor.
Mr Truman Sent with Longs Petition & Lease to the Lower
The Honourable Chancellor Secretary and Mr Taylor Desired
to give Answer to the Message touching the 25lb Tobacco pt
Poll to be Levyed for the Indian Warr who go forth Accord-

The House is Adjourned till to morrow Morning 9 of the

On Thursday the 18th February the house mett —

p. 381

The Honourable

The Governor
Surveyor Genl

Mr Chew
Mr Taylor

The Petition of Thomas Hawkins comes in and is as followeth

To the honourable the Governour and Council Sitting
in the Upper house of Assembly—

Humbly Sheweth

That Whereas certain Indians have lately broke into your
Petitioners House with Violence and Spoiled him of all his
Goods so that he hath not a Bed left him to Lye on or a Spoon
to eat his Victualls Your Honours Petitioner Humbly prays
Your Honours that the Publick may Afford Your Honours
Petitioner some Allowance for his great Loss and Damage
Sustained hereby & Your Petitioner shall &c.

Upper house 18th february

Upon Consideration of this Petition, This house is ready to
Ioin with the Lower house in any Act of Charity as they shall
think fitt to be Extended to the Petitioner, and Mr Chew sent to
the Lower house with this Petition.

The house is Adjourned till two of the Clock in the Afternoon.

The house mett in the Afternoon

The Governor

Surveyor Genl
Mr Chew


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 426   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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