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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 425   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, February 1674/5. 425

Upper house February 17th

This house desire to be informed by the Lower house what
they conceive is fitt to be done with the Susquehannah Indians
who are said to be now at Patuxent River.

This House is Adjourned for two hours.

U. H.

The house met

P. 380

The Governorr

Sur Genl

Mr Chew—
Mr Truman
Mr Taylor

Comes into the house a Petition of the Lower house as
followeth Vizt

To the Honourable Charles Calvert Esqr Lieutenant
General and Chief Iudge of the Provincial Court of the
Right honourable the Lord Proprietary—

The humble Petition of the Deputies and Delegates
of the Lower House of Assembly

Humbly Sheweth to your Excellency

That whereas Iohn Cowman being Arraigned Convicted and
Condemned upon the statute of the first of King Iames of
England &c. for Witchcraft Conjuration Sorcery or Enchant-
ment used upon the Body of Elizabeth Goodale and now Lying
under that Condemnation, and hath humbly Implored and
Beseeched Us your Lordships Petitioners to Mediate and In-
terceede in his behalf with Your Excellency for a Reprieve and
Stay of Execution—

Your Excellencies Petitioners do therefore accordingly in all
Humble Manner beseech your Excellency that the Rigour and
Severity of the Law to which the said Condemned Malefactor
hath Miserably Exposed himself may be Remitted and Relaxed
by the Exercise of your Excellencys Mercy & Clemencie upon
so wretched and Miserable an Object

And your Petitioners as in Duty bound will pray &c

Signed by Order of the house Robert Ridgley Cl

Upper house february the 17th

The Lieutenant General hath Considered of the Petition here
above and is willing upon the request of the Lower house that
the Condemned Malefactor be reprieved and Execution Stayed,
Provided that the Sheriff of St Maries County carry him to the
Gallows, and that the rope being about his neck it be there


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 425   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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