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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 424   View pdf image
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424 Assembly Proceedings, February 1674/5.

U. H.

15th February Upper house

This house desires that the Lower house will take into their
Consideration the Inconveniencies and Mischiefs that have hap-
pened for want of a Law in this Province impowering the
Chief Iudge for Probat of Wills and Testaments to Grant Let-
ters of Administration upon Good Security given by Such per-
sons who for Conscience Sake cannot Swear, and together
with this Message do send a Petition Addressed to them
wherein the Sufferings of a certain Widdow the Petitioner are
Sadly Represented, Whereupon this house do desire the Lower
house to prepare a Law for the future. Remedying of the Mis-
chiefs and Inconveniencies aforesaid.

The house is Adjourned till 9 of the Clock to Morrow Morning.
Tuesday the 16th of February the house mett.


The Chancellor
Secretary —
Surveyor Generall

Saml Chew Esqr
Thos Trueman Esqr
Thomas Taylor Esqr

This house is Adjourned till two of the Clock in the Afternoon
The house mett in the Afternoon.


Sur Genl

Mr Truman

Mr Taylor

The Petition of Iohn Long of London Merchant read, As-
sented to by the Upper house and Ordered to be sent Down.

Mr Taylor Sent with the Widdow Warners Petition and a
Message Endorsed thereon the 15th of February.

Lower house 16th February.

Put to the Vote in this house whether 25lb Tobacco pr Poll to be
Collected the next year and Deposited in his Excellencys hand
will be Sufficient to Sustaine the Charge of the Warr with the
Indians if it should so happen untill the the Assembly can be
called to Supply further; Jt was by the Major part Voted Suf-
ficient, Whereupon Ordered that a Message be sent to the
upper house with the said Vote and Humbly to desire them to
Consider thereof and to Return their Opinions concerning the
Same to this house.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 424   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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