414 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1674.
P. R. O.
Colonial En
try Book
No. 53
County therein doe humbly pray that it may be enacted and
bee it enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Proplr by and with
the advice and consent of the Upper and Lower houses of this
present Generall Assembly and by the Authority of the same
that the Commissioners of every respective County within this
Province sometime within two years after this Sessions of this
psent Generall Assembly shall and are hereby empowred to
pvide erect and build (in every of their respective Counties at
the Cost & Charge of every of the said Counties) A Court
house in such forme and in such places as they in their Dis-
cretions shall adjudge most suitable and convenient for the
dispatching the affaires of their respective Counties and also
one good strong house for a prison to be erected and built at
the costs & Charges as aforesaid sometime within one year after
the Sessions of this psent Generall Assembly and if the Corn-
missrs of any the respective Counties shall neglect to procure
and hire workmen to erect and build such houses within the
time before limited or to leavy and defray such necessary
Charges as the carrieing such affaires as aforesaid and in such
time Limited as aforesaid does require. That then they shall
and are hereby lyable to a Fine of tenn thousand pounds of
Tobacco the one halfe to the Lord Propry the other halfe to be
imployed to the use and behoofe of every the said respective
Counties where such neglect hapnes as his Lopps Justices of
the Provinciall Court shall adjudge requisite.
An Act against the Prophaning of the Sabbath
Whereas the Lawes of this Province have allready provided
for punishing the Prophanacon of the Sabbath or Lords Day but
noe Restraint laid on ordinary Keepers and others who make it
their comon practice on that day to Keep in and about
Repealed. their houses Drincking, Tipling and gaming and suffer
and mainteine the same to the great dishonour of Allmighty God
the Discredit of Christianity and the debauching of youth and
the encrease and encouragemt of vice and Profanesse amongst
all sorts, bee it therefore enacted by the Right Honoble the Lord
Proprty by and with the advice and consent of the Upper and
Lower houses of this Present Generall Assembly and by the
Authority of the same, that noe ordinary Keeper shall from and
after the publicacon hereof directly nor indirectly upon the
Sabbath or Lords Day draw or sell any strong Liquors nor
permit or suffer in or about their house or houses any tipling
or gaming att Cards, Dice, ninepinn playing or other such un-
lawfull exercises whatsoever upon payne & forfeiture for every