Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1674. 415
such offence being convicted thereof by two sufficient witnesses
the sume of two thousand pounds of Tobacco, the one halfe to
the Lord Propty the other halfe to him or them that shall in-
forme and sue for the same and bee lyable to loose his liberty
and lycence for ordinary keeping at the discrecon of the Capt
Generall or other Officer to whom the power of granting
Lycences for ordinary Keeping shall from time to time belong.
And for further prevencon of abusing and prophaning the
Sabbath or Lords Day Bee it enacted by the Authority afore-
said that if any Master of a Family or other person having an
Orchard or having strong Liquors to expose to sayle and shall
sell any strong liquors or any of the produce of such orchard
on the Sabbath or Lords Day as aforesaid shall for every such
Offence forfeit and pay two thousand pounds of Tobacco the
one halfe to the Lord Propty the other halfe to him or them
that shall sue for the same which said Fines in this Act shalbe
recoverable by bill, plaint or informacon wherein noe Essoyne
wager nor proteccon in Law to be allowed this Act to endure
for three years or to the end of the next Generall Assembly
which shall first happen.
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
An Act for payment and assessing the Publique
Charges of this Province.
Whereas there have bene two hundred and forty thousand
two hundred fifty and eight pounds of tobacco expended laid
out and disburst by the Upper and Lower Houses of this
Present Generall Assembly and by severall other good people
of this Province for the Publique good of the same and to the
intent that the same may be satisfied to those persons to whome
it is due Bee it enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Propty
by and with the advice and consent of the Upper and Lower
Houses of this present Generall Assembly and by the Authority
of the same that the said two hundred and forty thousand two
hundred fifty and eight pounds of Tobacco be payd in manner
and forme as is hereafter expressed that is to say To Charles
Delaroch for Publique expenses seaven thousand, seaven hun-
dred and six pounds of Tobacco to Mr Robert Ridgely for
Publique Charges for the Upper and Lower Houses the sume
of twenty and nine thousand six hundred seaventy and seaven
pounds of Tobacco. To Garrat Vanswaringen for Publique
expences, the Burgesses, twenty eight thousand nine hundred
forty & nine pounds of Tobacco. To the said Vanswaringen
for building the Stocks and whipping post in St Maries Citty
eight hundred pounds of Tobacco. To the said Vanswaringen
for a Chest to secure the Records two hundred and fifty pounds