shall pay to the Secretary one thousand pounds of Casked to-
bacco which is not to stand revived) One other Act made att a
Generall Assembly held att St Maries the 15th day of Septem-
ber 1663 and there continued till Saturday the third day of
October following and thence adjourned untill the second
Tuesday in September 1664 entituled an Act phibiting arrests
on the Sabbeth dayes and dayes of Generall Muster & treyn-
ing. One other Act made at the same Generall Assembly enti-
tuled an act for amerciamts in the Proall and County Courts,
one other act made att a Generall Assembly held att Si Maries
the 10th day of Aprill 1666 entituled an act phibiting trade with
the Indians for any Flesh dead or alive except dear and wild
fowle, another act made att the same Assembly entituled an
act for the Clks Fees and allowances for Jurors in Civill causes
another Act made att a Generall Assembly held at St Maries
the thirteenth day of Aprill 1669 entituled an addicionall act to
the law for the publicacon of Marriages, one other Act made
at the same Assembly intituled an act for limitacOns of accons
to avoyd Suites at Law, another Act made at the same Assem-
bly entituled an Act pviding sufficient Freight & Carriage for
the pper goods and comodities of his Lopp. the Lord Propty
of this Province and of the Governor of this Province for the
time being, one other act made at the same Assembly entituled
an act against Forraign Ingrosers. One other Act made at a
Generall Assembly held at St Maries the 17th of March 1670
and prorogued till the tenth of October 1671 entituled an Act
touching Coopers one other act made at the same Assembly
entituled an act against hoggstealers, one other act made at
the same Assembly intituled an act for Coroners Fees, one
other act made at the same Assembly intituled an act for the
sowing of hemp and flax, one other act made at the same As-
sembly intituled an act for marking highwaies and making the
heads of Rivers, Creeks, Branches and Swamps passable for
horse and foote, another Act made at the same Assembly enti-
tuled an act for the Killing of wolves the same acts and every
of them are hereby revived and confirmed for the tearme of
three yeares or to the end of the next Sessions of Assembly
which shall first happen.
P. R. O.
Colonial Eu-
try Book
No. 53