412 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1674.
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
att the returne of the writ but also that he shall stand to and
abide such Judgement and finall determination of the cause as
shall be made att the tryall and hearing thereof and noe Defdt
that hath given such bayle as aforesaid shall be obliged to put
in any other speciall Bayle but that such bayle shall in case the
pty defdt, shall not appear and abide Judgement be lyable to
make the pts satisfaccon for his debt and damages and costs as
much as if he or they had entered speciall bayle in Court and
shall or may be poceeded against in the shers name as is usu-
ally done against those that are or have bene spetiall bayle as
aforesaid any law custome or usage to the contrary notwith-
standing this law to endure for three yeares or to the end of
the next Generall Assembly which shall first happen.
An Act for Reviving of certaine Lawes with-
in this Province.
Forasmuch as many good and wholesome lawes have form-
erly bene made in this Province which being tompoary will of
themselves expire if not renewed and continued by this psent
Generall Assembly. Bee it enacted by the Right Honble the
the Lord Proply of this Province by and with the advice and
consent of the Upp and Lower houses of this psent Generall
Assembly of this Province and by the Authority thereof that
an act be made at a Generall Assembly beginn the XXVII of
Aprill 1658 intituled an Act concerning the Wage of Tobacco
hogsheads. One other Act entituled an act for registring births,
marriages and burialls, one other Act made att an Assembly
held at St Johns the 17th day of Aprill 1661 entituled an Act
for appointing certaine officers (except the last Clause for nomi-
nacon of sheriffs) one other Act made at the same Assembly
intituled an act for military disciplin, one other Act made at
the same Assembly entituled an Act concerning the height of
Fences one other Act made at the same Assembly, entituled an
Act for conveyance of all Letters concerning the State and
Publique affaires, one other Act made at a Generall Assembly
held att St Maries the first of Aprill 1662 Intituled an act for
Publicacon of marriages. One other Act made at the same As-
sembly Imposeing a Fee on those whoe shall be married, one
other Act made at the same Assembly entituled an act concern-
ing Indians, one other Act made at the same Assembly enti-
tuled an Act concerning the Secretary and an addicon to his
Fees (except this Clause in the said Act (vizt) that the Secre-
tary of this Province shall send to each respective County
Court within this Province all the Lawes in force with the lesser
seale affixed to them for the which each respective County