the Oaths of two sufficient witnesses shall not only loose and
forfeite for every offence as aforesaid the sume of two thou-
sand pounds of tobacco one halfe thereof to the Lord Propty
and the other halfe to the pty greived to be recovered in any
of the Courts of this Province by bill plaint or Informacon but
shall also be excluded from being an Attorney Councill or
Sollicitor in any of the Courts of this Province forever here-
after Provided that this act nor any thing therein conteyned be
not construed Judged or taken to debarr any person or per-
sons ptts or defdt att the tryall or hearing of their cause or
causes to speak for themselves if they so desire it, this Act to
endure for three years or to the end of the next Generall As-
sembly which shall first happen.
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53