Denizacon by their said ffather) or were of Brittish or Irish
Discent as aforesaid and as any other person or persons
Natureally borne within this Prouince or of Brittish or Irish
discent may any waies Lawfully doe Any Law Provisoe act or
Custome of this Prouince or other thing whatsoever had made
ordeined or done within this Prouince to the Contrary hereof
in any wise Notwithstanding.
An Act prohibiting all masters of shipps or vessells or
any other persons from Transporting or Conveying
away any person or persons out of this Prouince
without passes.
Whereas Severall persons ffreemen within this Province
being indebted to the Inhabitants thereof haue been by masters
of Shipps and other vessells transported and by others by land
Conveyed out of this Prouince and alsoe Severall Servants
who had time by the Custome of the Countrey Condicon for
wages or Indenture to serve haue been transported and Con-
veyed away as aforesaid to the great & manifest damage of
their Creditors and masters, The Delegates of this present
Generall Assembly haueing seriously Considered the Incon-
veniencies thereby accrueing to the good people of this Prouince
doe pray that itt may be Enacted And Bee itt Enacted by the
Right Honbl — the Lord Proprietary by and with the advice and
Consent of this present Generall Assembly that from and after
the Publicacon hereof any person or persons whatsoever who
shall intend to depart this Prouince shall give notice of such
his intended departure by setting up his name att the Secre-
taryes office for the full space of three whole moneths and that
if within that time noe person shall vnder write the person
respectively soe setting upp his name as aforesaid it shall then
be Lawfull for his Lordshipps Gouernour Chancellor or Sec-
retary of this Prouince for the time being to signe a passe for
any such person to depart this Prouince for which passe the
party shall pay as a fee to the person signeing the same the
sume of two shillings six pence Sterling.
And Bee itt further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that
any master of shipp or vessell or other person whatsoever that
shall transport or Convey out of this Prouince by Land or
water any freeman being indebted by bill bond accompt or
otherwise vnto any Inhabitant without such passe vnder the
hand of the Gouernour Chancellor or Secretary of this Prouince
for the time being as aforesaid shall be Lyable to Satisfie all