to pay and Satisfie vnto the master or owner of such servant
or servants soe Carryed away al such damages as hee or they
shall make appeare to be Justly due vnto such master or owner
for want of such Servant or Servants as the Court before whom
such Cause shall be tryed shall thinke fitt.
And Bee itt Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Act
made att a Sessions of Assembly held the one & twentieth day
of Aprill one thousand six hundred and fifty Intituled an act
against fugitiues to stand Repealed and is hereby Repealed for
ever and that one other Act made att an assembly held att St
Maries the twenty seventh day of March one thousand six
hundred seventy one entituled an Act against Runnawaies &
such persons as shall entertaine them & others that travaile
without passes & all & every the Clauses and things therein
Conteined doe stand and is hereby Revived & Continued this
Act to endure for three yeares or to the end of the next
Generall Assembly which shall first happen.
To the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary of the Prouince of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &ca
The Humble Peticon of John Johnson & Henry Green both of
Talbott County —
Humbly sheweth
That your Peticoners John Johnson and Henry Green were
both borne in holland under the Dominions of the States
Generall of the vnited Prouinces being now Removed to this
Province haue for divers Yeares therein Inhabited being Invited
to come and dwell within this Prouince by and uppon Confi-
dence of your Lordships Declaracon of the second of July one
thousand six hundred forty Nyne whereby you did Impower
your Gouernour from time to time to grant lands vnto any
persons of french dutch Spanish Swedish or other forreigne
descent in the same in as ample manner and vppon the same
tearmes and Provisoes as he was thereby Impowered to grant
lands to any person or persons of Brittish or Irish descent
And dureing their said Abode they haue been alwaies faithfull