you did impower your Gouernour from time to time to grant
lands vnto any person of french Dutch Spanish Swedish or
other forreigne discent in the same and in as ample manner
and vppon the same tearmes and Provisoes as he was thereby
impowred to grant lands to any person or persons of Brittish
or Irish discent and dureing their said abode they haue been
alwaies faithfull & obedient to your Lordshipps Lawes yett for
that your Peticoners are not of Brittish or Irish discent they
cannot take benefit! of the Lawes and Customes of this Pro-
uince as other the said people of this Prouince of Brittish
or Irish discent may to their great losse hinderance &
prejudice as alsoe to the Deterring of divers others of
the same forreigne Nacons aforesaid from Comeing into
this Prouince and by Consequence foreslowing the peopling of
this Prouince with vsefull artificers and Handy craftsmen May
itt therefore please your Lordship of your abundant goodnesse
and wonted Care of and over this Prouince that itt may be
Enacted & ordeined by your Lordship And Bee itt ordeined
& Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Propry of this Pro-
uince by and with the aduice & Consent of the upper & Lower
houses of this present Generall Assembly that your Lordshipps
humble Peticoners Iohn Lemaire, William Tick, Cornelius John-
son, Axell Stille, Henry ffreeman, Marcus Syserson, Jeffry
lacobson, Henry Henderson, Oliver Colke, Mounts Anderson,
Lawrence Christian, Hance Peterson, Cornelius Peterson, John
Desjardines, Martin Mugenbrough, Henry Mathews, Henry
Inloes, John Nomers, Andrew Clements, Cornelius Arenson,
Hester Cordea, John Lacount, Moses Lecount, Phillip Lecount,
Anthony Lacount, Hester Lecount, Katherine Lecount, they
and every of them shall from henceforth be adjudged Reputed
and taken as natureall borne people of this Prouince of Mary-
land and alsoe that they and every of them shall and may from
henceforth by the same Authority be enabled and adjudged to
all intents and Purposes able to demand Challenge aske haue
hold and Injoy any Lands Tenements Rents & Hereditaments
within this Province as Heire or Heires to any of their Ances-
tors by Reason of any discent in fee simple feetayle Generall
or Speciall or Remainder vppon any fee Tayle generall or
speciall or come to them or any of them by discent in fee
simple feetayle Generall or Speciall or Remainder vppon any
Estate tayle as aforesaid or by any other Lawfull Conveyance
or Conveyances or meanes whatsoever as if they and every of
them had been borne within this Prouince or were of Brittish or
Irish discent as aforesaid and alsoe that they and every of them
from henceforth shall and may be Enabled to prosecute maintaine
& avow Justifie and defend all manner of accons suites plaints
or other demands whatsoever as Liberrally franckly freely
W H & L