400 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1674.
p. 86
vpon any suite or suites in Criminall Cases but such sherriffes
are hereby injoyned to Execute the same ex officio and every
sherriffe offending herein shall forfeite the sufne of one thou-
sand pounds of Tobacco for every offence one halfe to the
Lord Proprietary and the other halfe to the party greived And
one act made att an assembly held att St Maryes in the yeare
1662 Intituled an act declareing what shall be done by the
sherriffe ex officio is hereby Repealed.
To the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary of the
Prouinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron
of Baltemore &ca
The Humble Peticon of John De Le maire William
Tick Cornelius Johnson Axell Stille Henry ffreeman
Marcus Syserson, Jeffery Jacobson, Henry Henderson,
Oliver Colke, Mounts Anderson, Lawrence Christian,
Hance Peterson, Cornelius Peterson, John Desjardins
Martin Mugenbrough, Henry Mathews, Henry Inloeas,
John Nomers, Andrew Clements, Cornelius Arenson
Hester Cordea, John Lecount, Moses Lecount, Phillip
La Count Anthony Lecount Hester Lecount, Katherin
Humbly sheweth unto your Lordship that your Peticoners
John Lemaire was borne att Anjou in the Kingdom of France
William Tick att Amsterdam in Holland vnder the Dominions
of the states Generall of the vnited Prouinces Cornelius John-
son att ffiacena vnder the same Dominions Axell Stille in the
Kingdom of Sweadland Henry ffreernan Marcus Syserson
Jeffry Jacobson Henry Henderson Oliver Colke Mounts Ander-
son Cornelius Peterson Henry Mathews John Nomers Andrew
Clements all of the said Kingdom of Swedeland Lawrence
Christian and Martin Mugenbrough in Germany lohn Desjar-
dines in the Kingdome of france Hans Peterson in the king-
dome of Denmarke Henry Enloes & Cornelius Arenson vnder
the Dominions of the States Generall of the vnited Prouinces
Hester Cordea att Deepe in Normandie John Lacounte Moses
Lacounte Phillip Lacounte Anthony Lacount all the sons of
Anthony Lacounte borne att Picardie in the kingdom of france
Hester Lacount Katherine Lacount Daughters to the said
Anthony Lacount and both sonns & daughters borne within
your Lordshipps Prouince of Maryland and your Peticoners
borne elce where being now Removed into this Prouince haue
for divers yeares therein inhabitted being invited to come and
dwell within this Prouince by and vppon Confidence of your
P. 87 Lordships declaracon of The Second of July 1649 whereby