Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1674. 399
such punishments as the Lawes of England provides against
such malicious persons and Practices of that nature or make
restitucon to the person wronged by paying treble the damages
susteyned thereby as the Justices before whom such Cases
shall Come shall determine this Act to endure for three yeares
or to the end of the next Generall Assembly which shall first
W H & L
An Act Concerning taxable persons
Whereas divers Servants are dayly Imported into this Pro-
vince and many disputes ariseing Concerning their ages and
when they are to be accounted Taxables Bee itt Enacted by
the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary by and with the Consent
of the upper and Lower houses of this present Generall As-
sembly that all male Children borne in this Prouince and Resi-
dent in itt shall be accounted Taxables att the age of sixteene
yeares and vppwards and all male servants Imported into this
Prouince att the age of tenn yeares and vppwards shall be ac-
counted Taxables and all slaues whatsoever whether male or
female Imported or borne in the Prouince att or aboue the age
of tenn yeares shall be Likewise accounted Taxables and soe
Rated accordingly and that all freemen Resident in this Pro-
vince (Except ministers & priests) shall be Taxables being
aboue the age of sixteene yeares this act to endure for three
yeares or to the end of the next Generall Assembly which shall
first happen.
An Act declareing what shall be done by the sherriffe ex officio
Whereas Certain Charges are lately arisen in the Province
by the sherriffes exacting fees for severall matters and Execut-
ing severall writts and precepts and for summoning of Jurors
in Criminall cases and other matters onely Relateing to the
Publick which formerly were done & Executed and still ought
to be done ex officio—
Bee itt therefore Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the aduice and Consent of the upper &
Lower houses of this present Generall Assembly and the Au-
thority of the same that from henceforth noe sherriffe within
this Prouince shall take Exact or Receive of or from any per-
son whatsoever any fees Sallary gratuity or reward for the
serving or Executing any writt warrant or precept from the
Gouernour or Councill or from any Justice of the Peace within
this Province or for the doeing of any other thing in any the
Courts of Record in this Prouince for any matter or thing or