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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 257   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, March — April 1671. 257

appeared that the said Ignatius was the Son of Nicholas Causin
a Subject of the Crown of France born at the House of his said
Father in St Georges River in this Province of an English
Mother that the Lands Claimed by the said Nicholas were only
Surveyed in the life time of the said Nicholas And since his
Death Pattented by the said Ignatius Whereupon This house
do declare that the said Ignatius is by his Lordships Charter a
free Denizen of the Kingdom of England And by Consequence
as to his Person needs no Naturalization being born here And
as to the Lands said to descend from the Father this House
do further declare that the Certificate of Survey was only a
Chattel real of which his Mother an English Woman was
seized & made over to him the said Ignatius in right of which
he obtained an Original Grant from the Proprietary & so holds
nothing by descent from the Proprietary his Father but is to
all Intents & purposes One of the Natural born people of this
Province and hath as much Security for his Lands as any other
Person in this Province now hath or the R? honble the Lord
Propry can Grant
John Rousby Clk of the Assembly

The Lower House Sent their Votes to this House in these
Words viz.

Friday 7th April 1671

U. H.

At the Lower House of Assembly

This House having taken into their Serious Consideration
the Act Entituled an Act for the raising & providing a Support
for his Ldship the Lord & Proprietary of this Province during
his natural life And likewise a Supply towards the defraying
the publick Charges of this Province with the Amendments
thereunto Sent from his Excellency the Cap? General and
Upper house of Assembly this day to this house by the honble
Sr William Talbott & Col Calvert It was upon long debate
thereof Resolved that the said Act do pass with those Amend-
ments And also with this Amendment that the said Act con-
tinue only for three Years or to the End of the next General
Assembly And Ordered that Capt Lloyd Capt Burgess & Mr
Woolman Capt Howell Mr Materton & Mr Causine do carry up
& present to his Honour & the Upper House the sd Vote and
Resolve of this House And that they do return the humble and
hearty Thanks of this House for their Honour's gracious Con-
descension in the paper to this House this Morning sent and
mentioned And likewise that they do humbly request their
Honours to Send unto this House an Answer to the paper to
the Upper House by this House Sent on Monday last by six
Members of this House touching the Settling of Conveyances

p. 191

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 257   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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