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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 258   View pdf image
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258 Assembly Proceedings, March — April 1671.

U. H.


of Land held upon Measne & slender Assignmts & other Con-
veyances the Estates of Persons born in this Province whose
Fathers were not Naturalized & whither there be any Person
so qualified in this Province to Confirm our Laws
Signed by order of the Lower House of Assembly
Robt Carvile Clk

The said Act for raising & providing a Support &ca being
again Sent down to the Lower House the same day in the After-
noon upon Consideration had of the paper sent to this house from
the Upper House by Sr William Talbott & Col. Calvert Resolved
upon the Question put that the said Act shall pass with the
last Amendment also And that the said Act continue during
his Lordship's Life and for one Crop after as in the sd Act is
Robt Carvile Clk.

p. 192

Which being brought up to this House by the said Members
they were asked the Question Whither this House should order
the Ingrossment of the said Act for raising and providing a
Support &ca Capt Lloyd acquainted this House that It was
the desire of the Lower House that this Act be Engrossed
This House desired some Members of the Lower House
might be appointed to meet some Members of this House as
a Committee to Morrow Morning to consider of & prepare an
Act for quietting possessions And Acquainted the Lower House
therewith by Mr Chew
Then brought into this House by the hands of Cap? Burgess
a Bill Entituled an Act against Divulgers of false News,
Read the first time & Adjourned the House till to Morrow
Morning nine of the Clock

Saturday the 8th of April 1671

The House met Present as Yesterday

The Remonstrance of Augustin Harman against Runaways
was read &c. And Ordered that it be sent to the Lower
House for their Speedy Consideration thereof in regard that
the Prisonrs therein mentioned were in danger to escape and
that Mr Chew carry the Same
Then again read the Act against Divulgers of false News
and past with this Amendment viz. And further if any such
idle or buisy headed Person shall forge or maliciously publish
or invent any false Reports or Tales of any his Lordship's Jus-
tices of the Provincial Court or of any County Court within
this Province shall by the Justices of Peace to whom such Com-
plaint be made be bound over to the next Provincial Court

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
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