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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 256   View pdf image
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256 Assembly Proceedings, March — April 1671.


The House Adjourned till to Morrow Morning- nine of the

Friday the 7th April 1671
The House met Present as Yesterday except the Chancellour

The House desired Sr William Talbott & Col Calvert to
carry some certain Amendments to the Lower House to be
added to one certain Act Entituled an Act for the raising &
providing a Support for his Lordship the Lord and Proprietary
&Ca in these Words Viz.
The Upper House have thought fit to Send these Amend-
ments to be added to one certain Act Entituled an Act for the
raising & providing a Support for the Lord Proprietary &
Supply towards the publick Charges of Government Sent by
them to the Lower House Yesterday
1st That his Lordships Receivers shall not refuse to accept
of his Lordships Rents in Tobo at two pence p pd when
tendered by the Planter
2dly That the Muster Master Generall's Fee of 4d p poll be
taken of
3dly That a certain Clause in an Act Entituled an Act Con-
cerning the levying War within this Province whereby It is
provided that in Case of War the Publick Charges of this Pro-
vince shall by an equal Assessment be levyed upon the Persons
& Estates of the Inhabitants of this Province shall be suspended
& that no such Levy shall be laid without the Consent of the
Freemen & Inhabitts of this Province first had & obtained in a
General Assembly The aforesd Act to all other Intents & pur-
poses (this Clause only excepted) to stand good
And then the honourable the Chancellour appearing
Adjourned the House till two of the Clock in the Afternoon

The House met again Present as in the Morning

p. 190

Desired the honble Sr William Talbott & Col Calvert to
acquaint the Lower House that in regard the last paper sent
from this house to the Lower House may not so clearly express
the Intentions of this House in that Clause relating to the
Muster Master General's Fee We have thought fit to declare
that the Intentions of this house is that in case the Act for the
Support of the Government during the Life of the now Lord
and Proprietary &ca do pass for two Shillings p hhd That
then the Act for the Muster Master Generall's Fee shall for
ever stand repealed & not otherwise
John Rousby Clk of the Assembly

Upon petition to this house made by Ignatius Causin to be
naturalized of this Province Upon debate of the Matter It

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 256   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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