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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 214   View pdf image
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214 Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669.

W H &L

due forme of the Conveyances or the last wills and Testaments by
which the lands haue been Conveyed or devized to the builders
of such mills Bee itt further Enacted By the Authority advice
and Consent aforesaid that all and every such person or persons
who haue built mills shall or may have such writt or writts as
aforesaid to Enquire of the true yearly value of the land where-
on such mill doth Stand and of Tenn acres on each side the
Runn as aforesaid and upon Returne of such writt as aforesaid
in forme aforesaid shall haue a grant from his Lordship or his
heires or his or their Leivtenant here as aforesaid for any
Terme not Exceeding Eighty yeares and vnder the yearely
Rent Returned as aforesaid to be paid to the Right owner of
the land as aforesaid any law usage or Custome within this
Prouince had made or vsed to the Contrary hereof Notwith-

P. R. O.

Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53

An Act Limiting ordinary Keepers.

Whereas divers ordinary Keepers within this Province doe
frequently Exact & Charge Excessive Rates for their drink
victuals & other necessary accomodacons of Persons Resorting
thither which may pove to the great Inconvenienses of the In-
habitants of this Province if noe Provision be made for the
Regulacon thereof Bee it therefore Enacted by the Right
honoble the Lord Proprietary by & wth the advice & Consent of
the vpper & Lower house of this prsent Generall Assembly
that from & after the Publicacon hereof no Ordinary Keeper
Inholder or other pson Keeping a victualling howse or howse
of Entertainmt wthin this Province shall for the future Sell &
be allowed for Rumm above fforty pounds of Tobacco p gal-
lon for ffrench Brandy one hundred pounds of Tobacco p gal-
lon English Spirits Twenty five pounds of Tobacco p quart
Bottle dutch drams fforty pounds of Tobacco p gallon for
Perry Quince & Syder Twenty pounds of Tobacco p gallon
Muscavado Sugar Eight pounds of Tobacco p pound Refined
white sugar Sixteene pounds of Tobacco p pound Lime juice
Twenty pounds of Tobacco p quart Vinegar Twenty pounds
of Tobacco p gallon ffrench wine fforty pounds of Tobacco p
gallon Canaries & Maligoe one hundred pounds of Tobacco p
gallon all sorts of Maderae ffiall Porta Port & other Portugall
wines Sixty pounds of Tobacco p gallon Clarett forty pounds
of Tobacco p gallon strong beer and ale either made within
this Province or brought from fforreigne p Twenty pounds of
Tobacco p gallon for dyett tenn pounds of Tobacco p meale
for good Lodging to Every pson accomodated wth a Bedd
ffower pounds of tobacco p night & the like Rates Every
ordinary keeper is hereby Enjoyned to Observe for a greater

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 214   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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