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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 215   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April- — May 1669. 215

or Lesser Quantity of the aforesaid Rates of drink & other
AccomodacOns & shall not directly or indirectly Take demand
Exact or be allowed more then the Limitacon before specefied
And be it also ffurther Enacted by the Authority Aforesaid
That Every Ordinary keeper Inholder or other victualler wthin
this Province Keeping a House of Entertainment that shall for
the ffuture Adulterate any Liquors or directly or Indirectly Ex-
act more Either for drink dyet Lodging or other necessaries
then what is here Specefied & Allowed them in this Act shall
not only loose Every such debt as shall by Sufficient proofe
appeare to be vniustly Charged Contrarie to the True intent
& meaning of this Act but also forfeit ffive hundred pounds of
Tobacco the one halfe to the Lord Proprietary the other halfe
to the informer or him or them that shall sue ffor the same in
any Coc of Record in this Province Either by accon of debt
Bill Plaint or Informacon wherein noe Essoyne pteccon or wager
of Law to be Allowed This Act to Endure for Three yeares or
to the End of the next Generall Assembly wch shall first come

P. R. O.

Colonial En-
try Book
No. S3

An Act for Reviving of Certain Lawes within this Province

Forasmuch as many good & wholsome Lawes have beene
formerly made & Enacted in this Province wch being but Tem-
porary Lawes will of themselves expire if not Revived & Con-
tinued by this prsent Generall Assembly Be it Therefore En-
acted & ordeined by the Rt Honoble the Lord Proprietary By
& with the advice & Consent of the vpper & Lower howse of
this prent Generall Assembly & the Authority of the same
that these Lawes ffollowing be by the Power & Authority
aforesd Revived & continued (To Witt) One Act made att A
Generall Assembly held at St Leonards the Seaven & Twentyth
day of Aprill one Thousand six hundred ffifty & Eight Intituled
Act Concerning the Gage of Tobacco Hogsheads An Act
made at the same Assembly Intituled an Act Probibiting ....
Leaves & Seconds. An Act made at the same Assembly inti-
tuled an Act Conceerning a Register of Births Marriages &
Burialls One other Act made att an Assembly held at St.
Marie's the Seavententh of Aprill one thousand six hundred
sixty one Intituled an Act for the Appointmt of Certaine
Officers One other Act made at the same Assembly intituled
an Act for military dissipline One other Act made at the same
Assembly intituled an Act concerning the Height of ffences
One other Act made at the Same Assembly intituled an Act
for the Conveyance of all Letts Concerning the state & Pub-
lique affaires One other Act made att a Generall Assembly
held at St Mary's the ffirst day of Aprill One Thousand six


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 215   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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