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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 213   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 213

ing of amill And that the said possessors in assizes luryes and
Recognicons may be putt as before the Alienacon soe that the
County by the Alienacon aforesaid in default of the present
possessors more then was wont be not Charged and greived
and the Inquisicon thereupon openly and distinctly made to us
in our Chancery vnder thy scale and the Scales of them by
whom itt was made without delay send &ca Vpon Returne of
which writt in case the person or persons whereby the said
Inquest shall be found to be the true owners and possessors of
the said land fitt to build a mill vpon Shall Refuse to build
a mill thereon and to give Security to the Lord Proprietary by

W H &L

bonds of fifty thousand pounds of Tobacco with Condicon to
begin to build amill thereon Within twelve moneths from that
day to be Computed and Reckoned and the same building to
prosecute and finish within twelve moneths after the said be-
ginning or laying the foundacon as aforesaid for the publick
good of the Prouince itt shall be Lawfull to and for his said
Lordship his heires or successors or in his or their absence for
his or their Leivtenant or Cheife Gouernour here for the tyme
being from time to time to grant any such tenn Acres of land
fitt to build a water mill vpon as aforesaid together with free
Egresse and Regresse to the said watermill either by land
through any mans land next adjacent or elce by water together
with liberty to fell any Timber for building the said water mill
other then board Timber fitt to Splitt or cleave into Clapboards
for any time or Terme not Exceeding Eighty yeares then next
to come vnder the yearely Rent of the land then by the Oathes
of twelve men by virtue of the writt aforesaid Returned to be
payd to the owner of the land soe found and Returned as afore-
said which said grant from his said Lordship his heires and
successors or from his Leivtenant and Cheife Gouernor here as
aforesaid shall be good and avayleable in law to the grantee
as aforesaid for any terme of yeares not Exeeding Eighty
yeares as aforesaid against all persons whatsoever any law
Custome or vsage heretofore had made or vsed within this
Province to the Contrary hereof notwithstanding Provided
alwayes that before any person or persons whatsoever shall
have such grant to build a watermill as aforesaid they shall
Enter into a bond to the Lord Proprietary with two Sufficient
Suretyes in the sume of fifty thousand pounds of Tobacco with
Condicons to begin to build the said watermill within twelve
moneths then next to come after such bond given and the same
building to prosecute Compleate and finish within twelve
moneths after such Begining.
And for the great advantage that is already found to the
prouince in Generall by the mills already built some of which
doe stand vpon lands whereof the title is doubtfull for want of

p. 47

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 213   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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