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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 208   View pdf image
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208 Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669.

W H &L

directed to the Sherriffe of the County where the party soe
prosecuted did dwell and Reside who is hereby Enjoyned to
leaue a Coppy of such writt or Sumons as alsoe a Coppy of
the Declaracon or cause of accon to be for that purpose with
the said writt or Sufnons sent to him by the party prosecuteing
the same and after a due Returne made of the said writt and
vpon Sufficient proofe by wittnesses as the said Respective
Courts shall thinke fitt of the Prosecutors demands and debt
made by his said declaracon sett forth itt shall and may be
Lawfull for the Iustices of the said Courts to award an attach-
ment against the goods and Chatties of him the said party
prosecuted and not appearing by himselfe or his Attorney
which are or shall be in the possession of any person or persons
for his use in this Prouince and after the Returne of the
Execucon of such Attachment made the same to Condemne
and order to be delivered by way of Execucon to the said party
prosecuteing by the Sherriffe of the County where such goods
lye hee the said party prosecuteing alsoe giveing good and
Sufficient Security to the Justices of the said Respective Courts
to indempnifye the Court against all accons suites or other
matters that may happen touching or Concerning the said
Attachment and to make Restitucon of the goods Received or
the value thereof by virtue of the said Attachment in case the
said party prosecuted or his Attorney doe within one Yeare
and a day to be Accounted from the tyme of the said Attachment
awarded come in and make his and their Just and due defence
and proceed on in the said accon in Comon forme and make
it appeare the prosecutor is Satisfyed his Just demands and
debts or any part thereof by him then Prosecuted Provided
alwayes that noe Sherriffe shall Leavy by way of Execucon of
any the goods or Chatties of any person soe prosecuted within
this Prouince any more then soe much as amounts to the debt
Recovered and Costs of suite mentioned in the writt of
Execucon Provided alsoe that noe Sherriffe of any County
within this Prouince shall by any Attachment or Execucon had
upon such attachment or any other Execucon whatsoever
obteined in any Court within this Prouince Leavy and Seize or
take the goods and Chatties of any Inhabitant within this Pro-
uince that shall be then Resyant or absent as aforesaid soe farr
as to deprive them of all Livelihood for the future but that
Corne for necessary maintenance Bedding gunn ax pott &

p. 43

necessary Labourers Tooles with such like houshould Imple-
ments and Amunicon for subsistance shall be protected from
all such Attachments And Execucons soe long as he or they
shall Inhabite within this Prouince And Provided alsoe that
such as shall be found by proofe or other Circumstance wilfully
to absent themselves into the woods or elce where from the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 208   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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