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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 209   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 209

Sherriffes sight whereby they Cannott be found to be brought
to a tryall and such alsoe as shall be intended to depart or fly
out of the Prouince (to be averred vpon oath) shall have noe
Benefitt of this Lawe but that an Attachment or Execucon may
Issue forth on all or any of his or their goods or Chatties This
act to Endure for three yeares or to the End of the next
Generall Assembly which shall first happen

An Act for Recording the Iournall
of the Lower house

Whereas itt is thought good for the Benefitt and Enlight-
ning of future Assemblyes, That a Record be kept of all pro-
ceedings that shall passe in the lower house of Assembly in
this Prouince be itt therefore Enacted by the Right Honble the
Lord Proprietary of this Prouince by and with the advice and
Consent of the upper & lower house of this present Generall
Assembly That the Clarke of the lower house of Assembly for
the time being transcribe the said Journall within two moneths
after the desolucon Prorogacon or adjournment of the said
Assembly and deliver the same into the secretaryes office upon
the penalty of five hundred pounds of Tobacco to the Lord
Proprietary and the Losse of his Salary for his seruice in the
Assembly the said fine and forfeiture to be Leavyed vpon the
said Clarke by the Appointment of the Lieutenant Generall or
Gouernour of this Prouince for the time being vpon Certificate
from the Secretary of this Prouince for the time being that the
said Journall as aforesaid is not by the said Clerke of the lower
house delivered into the secretaryes office as aforesaid
And it is hereby further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid
that the secretary of the Province for the tyme being shall be
Enjoyned to Examin the secretaryes office touching the pur-
port of this Act and make Certificate to the Governour or
Leivtenant Generall for the tyme being That thereby the fine
and forfeiture aforesaid may the more duely be Leavyed

An Act Provideing what shall be good Evidence
to prove forreigne debts

Wheras diuers persons in the kingdom of England and other
places have in their hands bonds of divers and sundry persons
now Resideing in this Province and send them to Certain At-
torneys here to be put in suite against the debtors here which
for want of a Law to Explaine and ascertaine what shall be a
sufficient proofe and Evidences for the proveing the said bonds
to be the Act and deed of the debtor and by them to be Sealed

W H & L

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 209   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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