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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 207   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 207

Execucons whereby amongst other things itt is Enacted that
noe Attachment shall or may be laid upon any the goods and
Chatties of any Inhabitant within this Province Except the true
owner thereof be not att that time Resident or dwelling within
this Province by Collour of the Authority of which Act there
being noe certain Rules prescribed for proceeding upon such
Attachments the Estates of severall people of this Province
have in their absence out of the Prouince beene Condemned
and Leavyed without the partyes Privity or makeing any
defence by himselfe or his Atturney and the said party or
partyes soe absent are by the practice of the said severall
Courts Excluded and Debarred from makeing any Iust defence
against the said Attachments (though Issued out vpon very
slender proof and security vnlesse he or they by him or them-
selves or his or their Attorney come within a yeare and a day
after the said Attachments Issued out and make such their
defence to the great prejudice and almost utter Ruine of many
of the good people of this Province and Marchants Tradeing
therein and thereunto
Wee doe humbly pray that itt may be Enacted And Bee itt
Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary of this pro-
vince by and with the advice and assent of the upper and lower
house of this present Generall Assembly ordeined and Enacted
That from and after the Publicacon hereof all and every person
and persons whatsoever Inhabitants within this Prouince and
all and every the Marchants tradeing hither and leaveing
Effects here that shall depart this Prouince That all and every
such person Inhabitant and Marchant that shall soe depart this
Prouince shall before their departure make Constitute and
ordeine one or more Attorney or Attorneys for them in all
accons writts or plaints whatsoever to be brought against them
by any other person or persons whatsoever in any Court or
Courts whatsoever And the said Letter of Attorney to Record
in the Provinciall Court and in the County Courts where they
did last Remayne and Inhabitt before he or they shall be
admitted to have any passe to Lycence such his or their depar-
ture and that noe Attachment shall be layd upon any the goods
or Chatties of any Inhabitant within this Prouince Except he or

W H & L

They be not att that tyme Resident or dwelling within the
Prouince or have not left any Attorney in his place vpon
Record as aforesaid And if any person or persons within this
Prouince shall desire to prosecute any person whatsoever
absent and not haveing left an Attorney as aforesaid vpon any
Attachment Bee itt by the Authority aforesaid Enacted that
noe attachmt shall Issue out of any Court of this Province
whatsoever before a writt or Sumons be first Issued out against
such persons absent or hath left noe Atturney as aforesaid

p. 42

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 207   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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